The website for the MultiMachineBuilder computer game

MultiMachineBuilder website

Development setup (command line)

  1. Install newest version of Ruby for your platform at
  2. Download Jekyll
  3. Open Ruby command prompt
  4. Type gem install bundler jekyll and confirm

Development setup (VS Code)

  1. Install newest version of Ruby for your platform at
  2. Download Jekyll and Jekyll Run

How to test (command line):

  1. Open Bash
  2. CD directly to the website directory
  3. Edit the website
  4. Run bundle exec jekyll serve. You may edit the website while the server runs.
  5. Go to http://localhost:4000/
  6. Check the website.

How to test (VS Code):

  1. Open VS Code
  2. Edit the website
  3. Click run
  4. Check the website.

How to stop testing:

  1. To stop, go to Bash and press CTRL+C
  2. Type Y and confirm
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