The next version of OpenTabletDriver.Web

The next version of OpenTabletDriver.Web

Local Development



git submodule update --init # submodules contain plugin metadata
cd site/
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload


How do I add a wiki entry?

To add or edit a wiki entry, modify the appropriate markdown file in the _wiki/ folder.

I can't find the "index" page for a page! (e.g., site/Wiki)

For pages with single-path URLs (e.g., site/Wiki), they are permalinked to files in the _sections folder.

How do I update the Rouge highlighter style?

To update the Rouge highlighter style, use the following command:

bundle exec rougify style > site/assets/css/rougehl.css

How do I lint the project?

Any EditorConfig compliant linter like editorconfig-checker

For Markdown specifically we use markdownlint-cli. Example command:

cd <website root>
markdownlint --ignore site/vendor/ --ignore site/_data/plugin-repository/ --ignore site/_includes/ . 2>&1 | less

Contributors to Old OpenTabletDriver.Web

View Contributors

This site has been ported directly from the old repository to Jekyll and may contain code, assets, information, or other contributions by the following individuals: