

Statically generated PWA with processed literature for graduation exam


Progressive web app with static pages generated out of .docx files. Was made in an attempt to use Homo Ludens as a way to prepare for my high school graduation.

Posting new books

  1. Use MD posting template or use DOCX posting template and either contact the administrator or convert it to MD by yourself using the ps1 script in docs
  2. Only use formating that is already existing in the templates
  3. Never forget to include an apropriate header if submitting a MD file - example is down below
  4. If the category or authors name is already used in the category or tag block, use the existing one

FtontMatter header:

title: <book name>
layout: post
categories: [SV-20-21|SV-CZ-19|SV-20-21|CZ-20-21]
tags: [<author name>]
pageDownload: /docs/processed/<document name>.docx
description: <book name> | čtenářský deník

Converting docx to md



  1. make sure that the document name is in lowercase separated by '-'
  2. fill queue folder with the docx documents
  3. execute docxToMd.ps1
  4. the document has been moved to /docs/processed and a MD file with a FrontMatter header has been generated in /_posts
  5. fill in the header and you are good to go

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Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

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