

Technical Blog of Rajmohan Kathiresan based on awesome tool Jekyll.

Rajmohan Kathiresan Blog

Rajmohan Kathiresan - Blog is a Jekyll based fully functional blog hosted to share my developer experience. Export of a wordpress blog created initially. Jekyll is by far the wonderful, magical tool have ever seen.

When I planned to share my thoughts and developer experience, wordpress was the natural choice came to my mind. The real problem crops in when I tried to customize the site and realizing that wordpress doesn't provide more control in the freemium account. Yeah !! Am aware of the fact the wordpress is for every one (non-developers, non-technical) people around the world.

On the journey of looking for an alternative solution, found jekyll soving my problem making blogging easier and providing more control for me as a developer which allows to tweak anything from design to adding analytics, ads etc.

Jekyll Installation Guide

  1. Install Ruby via Home Brew - Since permission would be crop up in latest mac versions
  2. Install Bundler to manage dependencies for any gem
  3. $ jekyll new . - to create a new jekyll site in the current folder
  4. $ jekyll new mysite to create in the mysite folder
  5. $ jekyll serve to test the site in the browser - ./site - will have the static site contents


  1. Clean instal RVM / Ruby if jekyll is continuously failing to create
  2. Bundler - tool to manage dependencies
  3. Follow the jekyll documentation to import the wordpress site

Note : Github Pages are powered by Jekyll