

A shell script which generates tags for your jekyll based blogs and enable tag based search - No plugin required.


A simple shell script which generates the directories and a file in the following structure. tag/${TAG_NAME}/index.html in your ${REPOSITORY_HOME}. It will add the necessary content in each of those index.html file.

How to execute?

  • Make changes to script by editing it with the name of your $REPO ie. This is one-time effort.
  • Please check if you have _layouts/tag_index.html. If you don't have one, you may copy from jekyll-tag-gen/_layouts/tag_index.html. If you would like to keep your own version of tag layout, please change the name of tag layout here in the script
  • Now, execute it with the command ./

How to verify?

  • You should now be able to see tag directory and tag named directories in it.
  • Inside each of those tags, you can see index.html with the content as below. For jekyll tag, ```

layout: tag_index tag: jekyll

## How does it look?
- Execute `jekyll serve --watch`
- Open the Browser, hit the URL [Blog](http://localhost:4000/tag/jekyll) , to see all `jekyll` tags
## Contributing
This script was written when I was about fall :sleeping: , so if you get to catch any bug or see any issue, please feel free to raise an issue!

Happy Tagging! :smile:
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