

The CBP Style Guide to compliment the CBP Theme. The style guide describes CBP theme components and patterns and how to use them.

CBP Style Guide

This is a Style Guide for the CBP Theme which gives guidance and examples of components, patterns, and colors from the CBP theme.

Building & running locally

Building out the generated files

You will need to install Jekyll. Note: On Windows, we've found this installation guide helpful. You will also need to install Node.js. Node.js powers the front-end build and dependency management tools Grunt and Bower.

Once Jekyll and Node.js are installed, ensure you have Grunt and Bower installed globally with:

npm install -g grunt-cli bower

Then install the project's dependencies with:

  • npm install

Running the documentation

Run npm run dev to build and generate your files.

Then go to local site

Distribution Builds

After running npm run build, you will have a dist folder that contains the entire static site and resources.


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Please refer to CBP Open Source License

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