This is my personal blog website, built on Github Pages using the Jekyll Minimal Mistakes theme.
I am using a Mac and have installed the following tools:
# Install Ruby
brew install ruby
# Install Jekyll
gem install bundler jekyll
# Install dependencies
bundle install
# Start the website
bundle exec jekyll serve
# Access the website
├── Gemfile # Project dependencies
├── _config.yml # Theme configuration
├── _data
├── _pages # Category pages such as TAG & directories
├── _posts # Personal blog articles
├── _includes # Store common HTML fragments, this project is used to ensure that your website page title and meta description tags are valid and contain relevant keywords to improve search engine rankings
├── robots.txt # Tell the search engine which pages can be indexed, and all configurations in this project can be indexed
├── assets # Static files, including images, etc.
└── index.html
The theme used in this project:
Feel free to contact me on Github, Have A Nice Day!