

A clean and simple Jekyll + Bootstrap 4 + Mermaid template

Jekyll + Bootstrap 4 + Mermaid Template

A simple, clean template to jumpstart your project


  1. Install npm
  2. Run to download bootstrap, jquery and mermaid
    If using Windows, you can install Windows Subsystem for Linux
  3. Run jekyll serve
  4. Check out for a quick usage reference

Changes from Jekyll starter template

Check the beginning of the commit history, maximum effort has been put to make it as clear and understandable as possible

Change your theme

Taken from

This website uses the Minty Bootstrap theme by default. And you don't want to use the same theme everyone else uses do you?

You can of course modify anything in the _includes, _layouts and _sass folders to customize both the HTML or CSS of your website, possibly referring to the Bootstrap documentation or the Jekyll documentation when needed. This is a normal part of web development and it is outside the scope of this guide.

But if you don't know where to start I can recommend you to import a theme from Bootswatch.

  • Go on Bootswatch and choose a theme that you like.
  • Using the top bar, download its _variables.scss and _bootswatch.scss files.
  • Copy the content of _variables.scss in _sass/_variables.scss.
  • Copy the content of _bootswatch.scss in _sass/_bootstrap_customization.scss.

That's it, you now have a totally different appearance for you website.

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