
This is Film Storyboards 2020 portfolio site, build with Jekyll + TACHYONS, and alternate theme.

Get Started + Development

git clone git://
cd film-storyboards
(npm install tachyons)
npm start

That should do the trick. Then open another tab in terminal and run

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

This will build the site.

This sets up a Jekyll server for dev on port 4000. The site is regenerated every time you save a file. NOTE: Changing _config.yml will require a restart of the Jekyll server to see changes.

To restart server, go to terminal tab that server is running in then press

ctrl+C ⇧ enter

Other commands:

  • npm run start to process Tachyons CSS files, compile and minify CSS, using the --livereload command to watch changes locally.

  • npm run minify-js to compile JavaScript.


You can enable Photoswipe on specific post, but you'll have to hardcode each image in said post.


Resize, compress etc.


The content of this project itself, all illustrations & design works are © Yves JPL Capelle / Film Storyboards / alternatyves outc. / SOFAM. The underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.

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