

A simple responsive two column Jekyll theme. Great for personal blog and basic portfolio website

Soot Spirits Jekyll Theme

Soot Spirits is a responsive mobile ready lightweight two column Jekyll theme made with Bulma CSS. It is a great template for simple personal blogs with focus on typography.

The text is made beautiful with combination of League Gothic, Roboto and Open Sans. Now who doesn't love them.


Some Good Features

  • Fully mobile ready
  • Beautiful typography
  • Two column layout suitable for a wide range of blogging habits
  • Fully customisable theme including the 'hello' text, quotes, nav items and sidebar widgets


Deskop browser (full width)

Tablet browser (iPad)

Mobile browser (320px and greater)

Hamburger menu toggle

Theme Usage

  • Get started with having the necessary tools set up
  • Download the zip of this project or simple clone it
  • Delete the tmp/ directory and any sample _posts
  • Customize the variables in _config.yml file such that it reflects your information. Similarly, change the disqus username (or remove it altogether).
  • Replace footer links in the _layouts/default.html file with yours.
  • Replace the in assets/js/custom.js with your site's address.




What's up with the name?

I was watching My Neighbour Totoro while developing :-)

jekyll logo

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