
A site built for a conference. This site is built using jekyll and runs on netlify.

Getting Started


  1. Make sure ruby and gem is installed.
    ruby -v
    gem -v
    If not, make sure to install it.
  2. Install bundle, bundler and jekyll.
    sudo gem install bundle jekyll bundler

Runing The Site Locally

  1. Clone the site first.
    git clone
  2. Change to the project root.
    cd NCAI_2020
  3. Install the necessary gems required by the site.
    bundle install
  4. Run the local development server.
    bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. Visit the development server address in your favourite browser. By default it is localhost:4000.

Contributing To This Project


Would recommend the following to be installed and used for proper code maintainability.

  1. Visual Studio Code or called as VSCode - Text Editor
  2. Editorconfig and Beautify - VSCode Extensions
  3. Make sure that Editor: Format On Save is checked on VSCode Settings


  1. Clone the site first.
    git clone
  2. Make sure to create a new branch.
    git checkout -b <branch_name>
  3. Make all your desired changes.
  4. Commit and push all your changes.
    git add .
    git commit -m "<commit_message>"
    git push origin <branch_name>
  5. Create a Merge Request or Pull Request from your branch_name to the master branch from your account.

Project Structure

The site follows the normal site structure as mentioned in the jekyll documentation here.

File and Folder Descriptions

The project root or the folder where you find the Gemfile is called as Project Root or /.

/ => contains the project documentation.

/Gemfile => contains the project dependencies.

/*.html => the basic html pages.

/beautifyrc.json => contains the config for Beautify code formatter.

/.gitignore => contains files to be ignored by git.

/.editorconfig => contains config for Editorconfig text editor configurations.

/_config.yml => site global data and config for jekyll.

/assets/ => contains css, js and other assets for the site.

/_layouts/ => the layouts for the site, that are used in the html pages.

/_includes/ => the common portions of the site that are used in multiple html pages.

/_data/ => the data for the site, used in the html pages.

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