

Template repo for using Jekyll with Tailwind CSS

Jekyll Tailwind template

A minimal repo to create a static site using Jekyll and TailwindCSS. It uses the jekyll-postcss plugin and a very basic postcss.config.js file which references the TailwindCSS plugin.

Getting Started

Clone the repo and run the following:

bundle install -> This installs Ruby gems and jekyll plugins

npm install -> This installs postcss-cli and tailwindcss packages

bundle exec jekyll serve -> Generates the site with develop settings and listens on http://localhost:4000


This repo is configured to be deployed on Netlify.

The included netlify.toml file will override the default build command to install Node packages (PostCSS and TailwindCSS) before the Jekyll build.

Why another Jekyll + Tailwind starter/template?

This in an opinionated template where files are organized as I like. This is the setup I use on almost every static site project I work on.

All pages (except 404.html) are under a pages folder. I like to manually set the permalink for all content in my sites, and I don't like seeing actual content files at the root level.

Next steps

  • Integrate PurgeCSS to reduce the final css file size