My personal portfolio website, based on the portfolYOU Jekyll theme and deployed to GitHub Pages.

Jekyll personal portfolio website

This is my personal portfolio website, realized using Jekyll and deployed on GitHub pages.

It is based on the portfolYOU theme by @YoussefRaafatNasry, adapted to my needs.

Changes to the original theme

  • Removed the dependency with the theme's remote Ruby Gem - to have more customization freedom;
  • Changed the 404 page;
  • Changed the footer layout;
  • Removed wow.js for animations, as it's overkill and not needed for my use;
  • Changed the theme color from Bootstrap's primary to danger;
  • Changed the landing page by adding a brief about me and my main skills;
  • Added a greetings script on the landing page, to greet users based on their local time - inspired by Miika Tuominen's website;
  • General customization of the theme on the _config.yml file;
  • Removed 'About me' page;
  • Added CV and Contact pages;
  • Added Privacy policy (thanks to Termly);
  • Added Remark42 comments instead of Disqus;
  • Added Cookie Policy;
  • Added Matomo analytics instead of Google Analytics to comply with GDPR;
  • Added Ko-Fi instead of Buy Me a Coffee due to 0% fees.

How to run this theme

If you want to run a local demo of my website on your computer, first, clone the repository.

Make sure that you installed Ruby and Jekyll, if not, check this page.

If everything's ready, open your terminal and run these commands:

cd <directory-where-you-cloned-the-repo>  # To move on the right directory
bundle install                            # To install the needed Ruby Gems
bundle exec jekyll serve                  # To run the demo

Afterwards, you should see something like Server running... press ctrl-c to stop..

If so, go on your browser, type localhost:4000 and see the magic happen 🧙!

How to customize this theme

Okay, maybe your name is not Alessio Sordo, so you may ask how to put your name and all your personal stuff in this website.

It's very straightforward. You'll find all the basic customizations on the _config.yml file. Here you can follow the comments and change the values as you like.

If you need to add any posts or projects, take a look on the _posts and _projects directories, you'll find some examples. You can also edit your about page description by going on pages/ To edit your skills and the timeline in the about page, take a look at the _data directory.

Keep in mind that all the customization is done either in Markdown format for the .md files, or Yaml format for the .yml files.

For a more detailed guide, always refer to the portfolYOU official documentation.

How to deploy this website online

There are many ways to deploy Jekyll websites remotely. What I used are GitHub pages. If you want to take a look at how they work, refer to the original guide by GitHub.


  1. portfolYOU a theme by YoussefRaafatNasry
  2. 404 page a cool coder 404 page by Rithik Samanthula