
A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, Gulp, SASS, AutoPrefixer, BrowserSync, JS & CSS minification and other.

Use last JavaScript version in your gulpfile

This project is build on Gulp 4. Node already supports a lot of ES2015, to avoid compatibility problem install Babel and rename your gulpfile.js as gulpfile.babel.js.

npm install --save-dev babel-register babel-preset-es2015

Then create a .babelrc file with the preset configuration.

  "presets": [ "es2015" ]

.babelrc file is already in root folder

Here you can find latest documentation for Gulp 4

System Preparation

To use this starter project, you'll need following installed on your machine.

  1. NodeJS - use the installer.
  2. Jekyll - $ gem install jekyll
  3. GulpJS - $ npm install -g gulp

Local Installation

  1. Clone this repo, or download it into a directory. git clone
  2. Run npm install, inside the directory to install all dependencies.


  1. Run jekyll serve --watch
  2. Run gulp --watch
  3. In gulpfile.babel.js change 'paths' variable for your comfortable usage.

Project Structure

  1. assets
  • css
    • 1-tools
    • 2-modules
    • 3-min
    • main.sass
  • img
    • min
  • js
    • libs
    • min
    • modules

List of all plugins

  1. Main
  • gulp - The streaming build system
  • gulp-postcss - Pipe CSS through PostCSS processors with a single parse
  1. js
  • babel - JS compiler from ES6 to ES5
  • webpack - A bundler for javascript. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets
  • jshint - is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code
  • jshint-stylish - Stylish reporter for JSHint
  • jscpd - JS Copy/paste detector for programming source code
  • gulp-uglify - JS minifier
  1. css
  • gulp-sass - SASS plugin for gulp
  • gulp-sourcemaps - Source map support for Gulp.js
  • gulp-autoprefixer - Prefix CSS
  • gulp-csso - CSS minifier
  • css-mqpacker - A tool for packing same CSS media query rules into one with PostCSS
  • postcss-focus - A plugin to add :focus selector to every :hover for keyboard accessibility
  • postcss-pxtorem - Convert pixel units to rem (root em) units using PostCSS
  • postcss-zindex - Reduce z-index values with PostCSS
  1. html
  • gulp-htmlmin - HTML minifier
  1. images
  • imagemin-pngquant - Pngquant plugin for imagemin
  • gulp-imagemin - Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
  1. Testing and documentation
  • gulp-jsdoc3 - Gulp integration for jsdoc3 cli
  • mocha - JS test framework for node.js and the browser
  • chai - BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser
  • mocha-phantomjs - Run client-side mocha tests in the command line through phantomjs
  • ink-docstrap - A template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap and themed by Bootswatch
  1. other
  • gulp-load-plugins - Automatically load in gulp plugins
  • gulp-rename - Rename files
  • gulp-size - Display the size of your project
  • gulp-duration - Track the duration of parts of your gulp tasks
  • gulp-if - Conditionally run a task
  • gulp-plumber - Fixing Node pipes
  • gulp-notify - Send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors
  • gulp-changed - Will pass only through changed files
  • gulp-debug - Debug vinyl file streams to see what files are run through your gulp pipeline
  • stream-combiner2 - Turn a pipeline into a single stream
  • webpack-stream - Run webpack through a stream interface
  • browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites
  • del - Delete files and folders