

A minimalist Jekyll theme for personal blogs with KISS principle applied. Made with ❤


Kiss is a minimalist Jekyll theme for personal blogs with KISS principle applied.

View demo website



  1. Use remote_theme: ayltai/kiss in your Gemfile.
  2. Copy _data/settings.yml and customize as you need.
  3. Create index.html that uses home layout.
  4. If your site supports RSS feed, create feed.xml that uses feed layout.
  5. Create your first post in _posts folder.

File structure

├─ _data/          # Data files go here
| └- settings.yml  # Theme settings
├─ _includes/      # Theme includes (Overridable)
├─ _layouts/       # Theme layouts (Overridable)
├─ _posts/         # Your posts go here
├─ assets/         # JS, CSS and images go here
| ├─ css/          # CSS files go here
| | ├─ main.css    # CSS for the theme (Overridable)
| | └- syntax.css  # CSS for code syntax highlighting (Overridable)
| └- img/          # Images go here
├─ pages/          # Additional pages that shows as menu items go here
| └-      # About page
├─ _config.yml     # Site settings
├─ 404.html        # Page to be display when requested URL does not exist (Overridable)
├─ feed.xml        # For generating RSS 2.0 feed
├─ Gemfile         # Ruby Gemfile
└- index.html      # Home page

More information about these file structure can be found in Jekyll documentation.


Site configuration

Copy _config.yml and change the site variables:

# Site settings
title       : # Name of the website
description : # Subtitle of the website
author      : # Default post author name

More information about site configuration can be found in Jekyll documentation.

Theme configuration

Copy _data/settings.yml and change the theme variables:

favicon :    # The favicon of the website

menu:        # Menu item array
  - { name : 'Home' }
  - { name : 'About', path : 'pages', url : 'about.html' }

authors:     # Post author array
  - { name : 'Alan Tai', url : '' }

social:      # FontAwesome icons linked to external websites; to be shown in footer
  - { icon : 'github',     url : '' }
  - { icon : 'linkedin',   url : '' }
  - { icon : 'rss-square', url : '/feed.xml' }

  previous : # Label that represents "older posts"
  next     : # Label that represents "newer posts"

Content creation

Home page

You need to create an index.html file as your home page with at least the following content:

layout : home

(Optional) RSS feed

If you want to support RSS feed for your website, you need to create feed.xml file with at least the following content:

layout : feed


You can follow the Jekyll documentation on how to create posts.

(Optional) About page

If you want to show the About page somewhere on your website, you can show it using the menu.

Copy _data/settings.yml and change the theme variables:

  - { name : 'Home' }                                      # Home page, the path is [Base URL]
  - { name : 'About', path : 'pages', url : 'about.html' } # About page, the path is [Base URL]/pages/about.html

(Optional) Disqus integration

This theme supports comments at the end of posts through Disqus. You need to have a Disqus account and set your Disqus shortname in _data/settings.yml:

  shortname : # Your Disqus shortname

If you want to disable Disqus comments, just don't add disqus section in _data/settings.yml.

(Optional) Google Analytics integration

This theme supports Google Analytics. You need to have a Google Analytics and set your tracking ID in _data/settings.yml:

  analytics : #UA-XXXXXXXXX-1

If you want to disable Google Analytics, just don't add google section in _data/settings.yml.


The MIT License