

GitHub Pages

The theme can be easily used on GitHub pages by including the following in your _config.yml:

remote_theme: bdshrk/grid-portfolio-theme

Make sure to remove any other references to themes from the config first!


The theme includes three layouts;

  • portfolio, containing the grid display used in index.markdown.
  • page, used for most pages that are not posts (do not require a pubish date or table of contents).
  • post, used for posts.

Front Matter

Make sure each post has a splash variable in the front matter that points to an image file to use as the grid background. Example:

layout: post
title: Example Markdown Showcase
tags: a_tag c_tag b_tag

For a page to have a link in the navbar, give it the navindex front matter and assign it a number. The index is relative, where lower indexes are positioned to the left, and higher to the right. Example:

layout: page
title: "Example Page"
navindex: 5

Style Customisation

You can also customise the fonts and colours used by the theme from the file located at assets/css/style.scss. See the comments in that file for more information.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at



The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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