
Stream a compiled Jekyll site with Gulp

Forked from gulp-jekyll


Example gulpfile.js, shown with defaults:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const jekyll = require('gulp-jekyll');

gulp.task('default', () => {
  // in addition, ANY COMMAND-LINE FLAG OR OPTION to the `jekyll` executable
  // can be specified in the `options` object!
  const options = {
    bundleExec: false,             // exec jekyll w/ "bundle exec"
    quiet: true,                   // suppress jekyll output; implies "--trace"
    safe: false,                   // run Jekyll in "safe" mode     
    cwd: process.cwd(),            // below paths will be relative to this
    layouts: '_layouts',           // where your layouts live
    plugins: '_plugins'            // where your plugins live
    // source: '/path/to/source'   // overrides gulp.src() above
    // destination: '_site'        // can be used instead of gulp.dest()
  return gulp.src(process.cwd())     // where your site source lives; this is

If you are using GitHub Pages with the recommended method, then you'll want bundleExec: true.

vs. gulp-jekyll

You'd want to use this package instead of gulp-jekyll if you want to pipe Jekyll's output somewhere.

The main differences are:

  • You must provide a directory path using gulp.src() (or the source property) to the plugin; Jekyll operates on entire directories; not files!
  • The output of this stream is all the files which Jekyll generated
  • If you neglect to pipe this plugin's output, and do not specify the destination property, the generated site disappears into the ether



  • Some version of Ruby
  • Some version of Bundler
  • Some version of Jekyll
  • Node.js v6 or newer
npm install gulp-jekyll-stream gulp -D


  • v1.0.1: Update :wink:
  • v1.0.0:
    • New features:
      • Support any and all jekyll command-line options
    • Bug fixes?
    • Breaking changes:
      • Update dependencies
      • Update dev depenedncies
      • Require Node.js v6 or newer
  • v0.1.0: Initial Release


Christopher Hiller, based on code by Danny Garcia.



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