

the centexgis website


The CenTex GIS website is built using the Jekyll static site generator. The theme is based on a fork of the SOLID Jekyll theme. The site is hosted directly from this GitHub repo and includes a CNAME file in the root directory for the custom domain centexgis.com.


For information on how to post new jobs, events, and news articles to the website, or how to submit an issue to request one of these posts be created for you, see the repo wiki.


Built with:

Local Development:

You can follow the steps already documented by GitHub here to set up the Centex GIS GitHub Pages site locally. Make sure to select the correct operating system at the top of the instructions.

  1. Create local repository for the centex gis site - git clone https://github.com/centexgis/centexgis.github.io.git
  2. cd centexgis.github.io
  3. Install ruby if you don't already have it - sudo apt install ruby-full
  4. Install Jekyll using Bundler
  5. Build your local Jekyll site

See also: