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Slim Pickins is what I consider to be a minimal 'core' theme with everything I need to quickly develop new themes for Jekyll.
Includes the following variables:
Base Colors
Navbar Settings
Socials Navbar Settings
Uses minimal sass from Zurb Foundation:
A fully responsive navigation bar with the following features:
This theme is configured with a 'wrap' of 1920px so banner images look best at that width.
First it checks a pages yaml frontmatter for the header image, if none is found then it checks for a site-wide default in your config.yml, if none is found then no banner image is displayed.
You can set a site-wide default banner image by adding the following to your _config.yml:
header_image: "path/to/image.jpg"
Per Page
You can also override it per page by adding the following code to a pages yaml front matter:
header_image: path/to/image.jpg
I like my footers to stay on the bottom of the page no matter what. You can easily edit the size and color using the supplied sass variables.
The only thing in the theme that uses Javascript is the optional use of google analytics.
Includes the following custom tasks:
These tasks have been bundled into custom build and deploy tasks
jekyll build
followed by minify_html
s3_website push
and then notify
Google Analytics*
google_universal_analytics ID
to the _config.yml file.Facebook Open Graph Fill out the following in your config.yml
facebook_app_id: #enter your App ID
facebook_locale: en_US
facebook_page: #the URL of your Facebook Page
facebook_image: #enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.
Twitter Cards Fill out the following in your config.yml
twitter_card: true
twitter_image: #enter a default image (at least 200x200px) to use here for posts/pages that don't have one.
Sitewide description/keywords
Keywords: some, bunch, of random keywords
to your config.yml and it will be used as the default keywords in the metadata for every post/page.---
Title: Example Post
Description: Some Yaml Frontmatter to show what's what.
Keywords: Example, Zim, this is only a test
For now it's best to start fresh or install the them and then transfer over any old files (posts, images, etc) from your old site.
bundle install --binstubs --path=vendor
to install the required dependencies._data/nav.yml
file as needed_data/socials.yml
file as neededI use S3 to host my site and the s3_website plugin to deploy, if you don't do both of these, delete the s3_website.yml
file and edit the deploy raketask to fit your needs.
If you plan on using S3 make sure you edit the configs:
. s3_secret
, and s3_bucket
site = ""
with your actual url.The blog posts included are duplicated from my actual blog and are the documentation of how I created this theme. From starting with a fresh Jekyll installation to the final product.