

Automatically migrate from Jekyll to 11ty


Automatically migrate from Jekyll to 11ty

Eleventy was created to be a JavaScript alternative to Jekyll.


Inspired by Paul Lloyd's excellent tutorial, "Turn Jekyll up to Eleventy."


To keep things simple, we're assuming you are:

  • Using the default Markdown config
  • Using the default Liquid templates
  • Using SASS
  • Not using a Jekyll theme (or will migrate it by hand yourself)
  • Not using Jekyll plugins (or will migrate them by hand yourself)
  • All your static site assets are in assets

What it does

  1. Installs 11ty (of course)
  2. Migrates site configs to _data/site.json
  3. Creates a starter config file .eleventy.js
  4. Configures ignore files .eleventyignore, and .gitignore
  5. Rewrite all include tags from Jekyll-style to Shopify-style
  6. Moves _layouts/* to _includes/layouts, and adds aliases in .eleventy.js
  7. Deletes the Jekyll config files, cache directories, and components


$ npm install -g switch-to-11ty


switch-to-11ty <dir>

Convert a Jekyll project to 11ty

  dir                                                                   [string]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]


  • Rewrite all include tags from Jekyll-style to Shopify-style
  • Sanity check: fail if not in git source control, unless a force argument is passed
  • Respect the Jekyll data_dir, layout_dir, and includes_dir settings
  • Set up a compatible SASS build pipeline
  • Re-implement the Jekyll Liquid filters in Javascript
  • Auto-detect asset directories other than assets


MIT license

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