Personal Portfolio

This is my personal portfolio and Shopify store built entirely in Jekyll, and deployed via Github Pages.


Add a local environment file by running touch .env and fill the contents with the app credentials from your Shopify store.


Run npm install to install all the node dependencies, and then bundle install to install all the Jekyll gems.


Updating products

The command node products.js or npm run products will import your products from Shopify and format them for Jekyll.

Updating content

Articles are under _articles, create new markdown files for each post. Images are stored under assets/articles/[article-slug]/. Content for the homepage and sidebar are located in the content file under _data/content.yml.

Running it locally

Run the command npm run serve or bundle exec jekyll serve and navigate to localhost:4000 to see in it action.


Add all your changes git add ., commit them commit -m "commit message", and push git push them for it to deploy to github pages.

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