4CE Website

Website for 4CE Consortium


Set up (macOS)

brew install ruby
gem install jekyll bundler

Start development server

bundle exec jekyll serve

Updating content

  • Home page: edit pages/index.html
  • Members list: edit _data/members.yml
  • News: edit/add _posts/{year}-{month}-{day}-your-post-title-here.md
  • styles: edit assets/main.scss
  • external urls: edit _data/constants.yml
  • site title, subtitle, description, and short disclaimer: edit config.yml

Adding a publication and associated plots

Adding a new publication

  • Add a new markdown file _publications/{paper_slug}.md with the proper frontmatter (see existing publication markdown files).
  • Add an abstract or description as the contents of the markdown file.

Adding plot pages

  • Plots must be associated with a particular "data release". Be sure to add one under releases: in the publication frontmatter.

  • Add plot files to the release directory

    • Add Vega-Lite files: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/vega/{my_plot_file}.json
    • Add LineUp files: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/lineup/{my_plot_file}.json
    • Add image files:
      • as PNG: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/png/{my_plot_file}.png
      • as SVG: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/svg/{my_plot_file}.svg
  • Add a markdown file for each plot page: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/{my_plot_page}.md

    • Add frontmatter to the top of the markdown file, and be sure to set type: plot (see existing plot markdown files).
    • A plot page can contain multiple plots, either vertically stacked or in a tabbed layout (based on whether the plots: field is a hash vs. an array).

Adding dataset downloads

  • Like plots, dataset downlaods must be associated with a particular release.
  • Add a markdown file for each dataset: _plots/{paper_slug}/{release_slug}/{my_dataset}_data.md
    • Add frontmatter to the top of the markdown file, and be sure to set type: dataset (see existing dataset markdown files).

Adding a new page

Add a HTML or MD file to pages/

and add the following "frontmatter" to the top of the file:

layout: page
title: Your Page Title Here
permalink: /your-page-title-here/index.html
order: 1


Ruby and gems may need to be added to your PATH variable. For me, this meant adding the following to my ~/.zshrc file:

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH"


Set the S3_BUCKET_4CE_DEV and S3_BUCKET_4CE_PROD environment variables.

Set the S3_DEV_BASE environment variable to a random string.

Build and deploy to one of the buckets:

bash ./build-and-deploy.sh
# or
bash ./build-and-deploy.sh --prod
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