Generates sitemap for pages, posts, archives/categories, collections and images.
Live example:
, page-sitemap.xml
, post-sitemap.xml
, project-sitemap.xml
and sitemap.xml
to your root folder._includes/single-post-sitemap.html
to your _includes
as described under Images below.Google supports adding images to the sitemap. You need to edit the image url of your post(if any) on line 5 in single-post-sitemap.html
If you do not use images you can remove lines 4 to 8.
<image:loc>{{ post.image.source | absolute_url }}</image:loc>
<image:title><![CDATA[{{ post.title }}]]></image:title>
<image:caption><![CDATA[{{ post.title }}]]></image:caption>
This plugin supports jekyll-archives. This sitemap is created with the category-sitemap.xml file. If you do not use the jekyll archives plugin you should delete category-sitemap.xml and remove the following from sitemap.xml:
<loc>{{ site.url }}/category-sitemap.xml</loc>
<lastmod>{{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}</lastmod>
Since collections are dynamic only an example is added with jekyll-sitemaps. If you do not use collections you can delete project-sitemap.xml and the following from sitemap.xml:
<loc>{{ site.url }}/project-sitemap.xml</loc>
<lastmod>{{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}</lastmod>
If you do use collections you need to change this:
to site.<name-of-collection>
in project-sitemap.xml project-sitemap.xml
to <name-of-collection>-sitemap.xml
to <name-of-collection>-sitemap.xml
in sitemap.xml: <sitemap>
<loc>{{ site.url }}/<name-of-collection>-sitemap.xml</loc>
<lastmod>{{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}</lastmod>