

Simple and minimal project home page theme for Jekyll

Black White Blue

Black White Blue is a simple and minimal project page theme for Jekyll, which is designed to build project pages in an easier way.

Black, white and blue are the colors used in the page. White for background, black for text and blue for links.


Add to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "black-white-blue"

And add this line to your _config.yml:

theme: black-white-blue

Then execute:

$ bundle install



Project Metadata

Project metadata is defined in _config.yml:

  name: "Black White Blue"
  subtitle: "A simple and minimal project page theme for Jekyll."
  description: |-
    Black White Blue is a simple project page theme for Jekyll, which is designed to build project pages in a easier way.
    Black, white and blue are the colors used in the page. White for background, black for text and blue for links.
  repo: "crispgm/black-white-blue"
  logo: "/black-white-blue/assets/logo.png"
  author: "David Zhang"
  author_link: ""
  email: [email protected]
  twitter: crispgm
  medium: "@crispgm"

Email/Twitter/Medium is optional, which will be shown as icons on the bottom right.


Changelog is maintained in _data/changelog.yml.

For a version, simply add an yaml array item:

- version: "1.0.1"
    - text: Performance improved
      hash: 3325193
- version: "1.0.1"
    - text: Bugfix
      issue: 12
- version: "1.0.0"
    - text: "Initial version"

Each version comes with multiple changes, and you may present a text with an issue ID. It will generate a link to the GitHub issue specified.

Google Analytics

Edit _config.yml and set your track_id:

google_analytics: UA-XXXXXXXX-1


Init Disqus with your short name in _config.yml:

  shortname: your-short-name

Then, enable Disqus in pages by adding frontmatter:

layout: page
title: Disqus Example
comments: true


  • Black White Blue is licensed under MIT License.
  • If there is a bug, you may file an issue or pull request directly.
  • Pull requests for contribution is welcomed.