My Not very up-to-date personal site

( and

A personal & professional website.

This is both a professional "academic" website, as well as place to host some photos and possibly other writing.


  • The site is built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages
  • Lots of inspiration was taken from the sites 'academicpages' and 'al-folio'


All HTML and 'code' is licensed under BSD 3. All images and writings (other 'creative' content) are licensed as Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-ND unported. This includes the overall 'feel' or my site and it's theme.

I don't host images or photoshop files on GitHub (well, not most of them), so feel free to check out my Flickr profile or email me if you're interested in working with something.

If you like what I do, I'm game! :-)