

A companion website that derandomizes the Random Trek podcast episodes.

The Not So Random Trek Web Site

A companion website that derandomizes the Random Trek podcast episodes.

This website is static and built using Jekyll.

The episode data lives in the folder _data/ and is extracted from _data/ran.yml.

The main page is built in /index.html.

Running jekyll

You can start the site using normal Jekyll:

jekyll serve -w

The web site can be found at localhost:4000/notsorandomtrek/

Scraper for Episode information

In the subfolder _scraper is a Java project that retrieves the episode information from the Random Trek, Memory Alpha and websites.

As it is a Java project, it is built using Apache Maven. It uses JSoup for parsing the HTML from the scraped web sites. The output is the YAML necessary to add to the ran.yml file.

Building is (once you have a Java 8 Development Kit and Apache Maven installed) as simple as running mvn package inside the _scraper folder:

notsorandomtrek$ cd _scraper
_scraper$ mvn package

Running the scraper:

_scraper$ java -jar target/randomtrek-scraper-0.1.jar 142`

The 142 is the episode number you wish to retrieve.

You need to separately retrieve the episode image.


This is still a work in progress (and will remain so I think until Random Trek has recorded its final episode).

Here's a list of todo's:

  • Add Deep Space 9, Voyager, Enterprise and special episodes
  • Add direct links to Random Trek episodes to's website for direct playing
  • Add links to imdb for each episode
  • Fix the UI such that the tabs work correctly
  • Style the UI to look much better
  • Style the UI to work on a small screen
  • Make a Bootstrap theme based on LCars
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