The personal website of Dave Eargle. Built using Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Bootstrap.

The personal website of Dave Eargle. Built using Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Bootstrap.


The master branch serves prerendered static files. The build-from-me branch contains the jekyll project directory. My approach is to create a repository in _site which tracks remote master (because username sites on github must build from the master branch). One directory up, the jekyll project tracks the build-from-me branch of the same remote repository.

cd _site

git init # if you haven't already
git remote add origin [email protected]:deargle/

git fetch origin master
git add .
git commit -m 'updating published site'
git merge origin/master master -s ours -m 'merging'
git push origin master

use script/production-build and script/production-push for great success

R markdown .Rmd

Blogdown jekyll can be used to render .Rmd files in the _posts directory. A .Rprofile is included with this repository which provides a serve_my_site() function. Start an R session so that the .Rprofile is read, and then run the function. Running it will render the .Rmd files into .md files.
