A minimal and super-lightweight, free Jekyll theme to create a single-page, link-in-bio website like Linktree or Later.
There are multiple ways to install and set up Linkhub. Let's explore each of them.
If you need the quickest way to set this up or if you're a complete beginner to Jekyll, using the GitHub template is the easiest option. You can also fork the repo.
and _data
files for customization. Check the Configuration guide for details.https://<username>.github.io/linkhub-jekyll-theme
once the building is complete!Go to your site's _config.yml
and replace theme:
with remote_theme: digitalmalayali/linkhub-jekyll-theme
Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile
gem "linkhub-jekyll-theme"
And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml
theme: linkhub-jekyll-theme
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install linkhub-jekyll-theme
Linkhub is super-easy to customize! There is only one layout
and that is default.html. Also, there are no _posts
Edit the _config.yml file to specify your website's name, page title, description, Google Analytics, and whether to show or hide the verified badge. This information will also be used for meta tags. For the logo, make sure to use an image with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
# Jekyll
theme: linkhub-jekyll-theme
# Site Configuration
name: Linkhub # Name of your website
tagline: Links # Set your preferred page title
description: A free, open-source Jekyll link-in-bio theme. # Also used as a meta description
path: https://i.ibb.co/SBRmBmt/favicon.png # Path / URL to the favicon of your website (e.g., 'assets/images/favicon.png')
type: png # File format of image. Change according to your image. Supported types: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/Image_types
logo: https://picsum.photos/200 # Path / URL to the logo (e.g., 'assets/images/logo.png')
url: https://link.example.com # URL of your website
locale: en_GB # The value specifies the locale in which these tags are marked up. It follows the format `language_TERRITORY`.
ga4: # Google Analytics 4 measurement ID, for e.g. G-XXXXXXX (optional). Remove it if itβs not needed.
username: UserName # Used for SEO
path: assets/images/example.jpg # Used for SEO (og:image, twitter:image)
type: jpeg # File format of image.
height: 100 # Pixels
width: 100
alt: logo
# Verified Badge Configuration
enable: true # Set to 'true' or 'false' to enable / disable the badge
icon: ri:verified-badge-fill # Enter the icon name for the badge from Iconify Design (https://icon-sets.iconify.design/)
color: '#dfb221' # Define the color of the badge
# Defaults
path: ""
layout: "default"
# Exclude
exclude: [README.md, Gemfile.lock, .jekyll-cache/, .github/, CHANGELOG.md, Gemfile, LICENSE.txt, funding.yml, linkhub-jekyll-theme.gemspec]
Icons are powered by the free and open-source icon framework Iconify, offering a selection of over 150,000 icons. Visit the Iconify icon sets website to search for your preferred icon. Once you find your desired icon, copy its name and use it in the respective fields.
You can use custom icons for Links.
Edit the social.yml file in the _data folder to add your social media profiles, along with your preferred icons and colors.
- name: facebook
url: https://www.facebook.com/example
icon: ri:facebook-fill
color: '#1877F2'
- name: instagram
url: https://www.instagram.com/example
icon: ri:instagram-fill
color: '#E4405F'
Like Later's link-in-bio feature, you can include external links to your Instagram, TikTok, and other posts by adding the name of social media, the link and image URL/path to bio.yml in the _data folder. You can either upload thumbnails of your Instagram, TikTok and YouTube posts to an image hosting service or create an images
folder in assets and place them there. By default, the images will be displayed with a 1:1 aspect ratio in a 3-column grid. You can use the ratio
variable for vertical images with a 9:16 aspect ratio. Make sure to add the link you'd like to appear first to the top.
- name: Instagram
- url: https://www.example.com
image: https://picsum.photos/700/400.webp # You can use paths to images in the assets folder, e.g., assets/images/insta.jpg.
- url: https://www.example.com
image: https://picsum.photos/200.webp
- name: YouTube
ratio: vertical # For vertical 9:16 aspect ratio. Ideal for video thumbnails, such as those used on Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts and TikTok. To use the default 1:1 aspect ratio (square), remove this variable.
- url: https://www.example.com
image: https://picsum.photos/720/1280.webp
If you'd like to remove Instagram/TikTok/YouTube link-in-bio altogether, remove or comment out the following line in default.html layout:
{% include bio.html %}
Edit the links.yml file in the _data folder to add link categories, links, icons, and tags. Refer to the provided examples and the demo for a better understanding. tag
and icon
variables are optional.
fixed-button-width: false # Set to true/false
icon-position: left # Set to left/right
- category: Blogs
- title: Example
url: https://www.example.com
icon: tdesign:activity # Icons are optional
tag: Tag
- title: Example 2
url: https://www.example.org
custom-icon: <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" id="_x32_" width="800" height="800" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><style>.st0{fill:#000}</style><path d="M378.409 0H195.118l-9.314 9.315L57.017 138.101l-9.314 9.315V426.105c0 47.36 38.528 85.896 85.895 85.896h244.811c47.361 0 85.888-38.535 85.888-85.896V85.896C464.297 38.528 425.77 0 378.409 0zm54.084 426.104c0 29.877-24.214 54.091-54.084 54.091H133.598c-29.877 0-54.091-24.214-54.091-54.091V160.592h83.717c24.884 0 45.07-20.179 45.07-45.071V31.804h170.114c29.87 0 54.084 24.214 54.084 54.091v340.209z" class="st0"/><path d="m180.296 296.668-4.846-.67c-10.63-1.487-14.265-4.978-14.265-10.104 0-5.78 4.309-9.817 12.383-9.817 5.653 0 11.305 1.62 15.745 3.764 1.886.942 3.903 1.487 5.789 1.487 4.845 0 8.612-3.63 8.612-8.616 0-3.226-1.481-5.921-4.71-7.939-5.384-3.372-15.476-6.06-25.572-6.06-19.781 0-32.436 11.171-32.436 27.998 0 16.15 10.232 24.898 28.938 27.454l4.846.67c10.903 1.48 14.129 4.846 14.129 10.229 0 6.326-5.247 10.766-14.939 10.766-6.727 0-12.111-1.745-19.645-5.921-1.616-.942-3.634-1.62-5.788-1.62-5.115 0-8.885 3.91-8.885 8.756 0 3.226 1.616 6.326 4.713 8.344 6.054 3.764 15.878 7.8 28.798 7.8 23.823 0 35.934-12.24 35.934-28.795 0-16.554-9.824-25.038-28.801-27.726zM281.108 259.382c-4.577 0-7.939 2.43-9.556 7.674l-16.69 54.51h-.402l-17.634-54.51c-1.745-5.244-4.978-7.674-9.551-7.674-5.653 0-9.692 4.176-9.692 9.287 0 1.347.269 2.834.67 4.175l23.286 68.104c2.96 8.477 6.727 11.57 12.652 11.57 5.785 0 9.555-3.093 12.516-11.57l23.282-68.104c.406-1.341.674-2.828.674-4.175.001-5.111-3.903-9.287-9.555-9.287zM364.556 300.836h-18.841c-5.114 0-8.344 3.1-8.344 7.806 0 4.713 3.23 7.814 8.344 7.814h6.193c.538 0 .803.258.803.803 0 3.505-.265 6.598-1.075 9.014-1.882 5.796-7.67 9.426-14.669 9.426-7.943 0-12.921-3.903-14.939-10.096-1.075-3.365-1.48-7.8-1.48-19.648 0-11.842.405-16.15 1.48-19.516 2.018-6.325 6.867-10.228 14.67-10.228 5.924 0 10.362 1.885 13.859 6.724 2.695 3.777 5.387 4.852 8.749 4.852 4.981 0 9.021-3.638 9.021-8.888 0-2.151-.674-4.035-1.752-5.921-4.842-8.204-15.071-14.264-29.877-14.264-16.287 0-28.935 7.408-33.644 22.204-2.022 6.466-2.559 11.576-2.559 25.038 0 13.454.538 18.573 2.559 25.031 4.709 14.802 17.357 22.204 33.644 22.204 16.286 0 28.668-8.204 33.374-22.881 1.617-5.111 2.29-12.645 2.29-20.716v-.95c0-4.98-2.824-7.808-7.806-7.808z" class="st0"/></svg> # Paste the SVG markup for custom icon
- category: Products
- title: Example 3
url: https://www.example.com
- category: Works
- title: Example 4
url: https://www.example.org
icon: ion:flower-sharp
tag: New
As shown in the example above, you can use the custom-icon
variable to insert custom SVG icons. Be sure to paste the entire SVG markup. You can use SVGOMG to optimize the SVG.
You can set the width of buttons to fixed
using the variable fixed-button-width: true
. This will set the width of all buttons to a fixed 50%. You can change this value in links.html.
With version 0.1.6, it's now possible to set the position of icons to left or right using icon-position: left
. Please note that setting the icon position will set it for all buttons. You can't do it for individual buttons. And tags will switch to the opposite position.
To remove the dark/light mode switch, edit the default.html layout file and remove or comment out the following line:
{% include theme-switch.html %}
Please note that this will not remove the functionality that detects and sets the dark/light mode based on the user's system preference.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. If you like this theme, please give it a star! And if you've used this theme on your website, feel free to add it below.
A list of websites that use the Linkhub theme. Please feel free to add your site.
To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install
Your theme is set up just like a normal Jekyll site! To test your theme, run bundle exec jekyll serve
and open your browser at http://localhost:4000
. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme. Add pages, documents, data, etc. like normal to test your theme's contents. As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.
When your theme is released, only the files in _layouts, _includes, _data and assets tracked with Git will be bundled.
To add a custom directory to your theme-gem, please edit the regexp in linkhub-jekyll-theme.gemspec accordingly.
The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.