

⛅︎ A minimal white-blue Jekyll theme.


⛅︎ A minimal, white-blue Jekyll theme, including about, resume, and contact pages.



Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-simple-blue"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-simple-blue

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-simple-blue

After installing, be sure to rename your index.markdown and about.markdown files to and If you skip this step your home page will not be created.


Using simple-blue as a theme means you can take advantage of the file overriding method. This allows you to overwrite any file in this theme with your own custom file, by matching the file name and path. The most common example of this would be if you want to add your own styles or change the core style settings.

To add your own styles copy the styles.css into your own project with the same file path (assets/styles.css). From there you can add your own styles, and modify or even remove existing ones.


There are 3 layouts; page, post, and home (home acts as the front page blog).


To modify set parameters, you need to modify the _config.yml title and url.

Additionally, you need to add the following parameters to edit the author name, email, and optionall, the file path to your resume:

    name: Your name
    email: Your email

To add your resume and favicon, simply copy ithemt into the root folder with the names resume.pdf and favicon.ico. If you'd like custom names, you will have to modify the _config.yml file:

resume: "/resume.pdf" # add your resume filepath here
favicon: "/favicon.ico" # add your favicon filepath here


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.