Dockerized Minimal theme

This repository contains an nginx Dockerfile and the Minimal Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages, to be served by self hosting it with Docker.


  • Pull the repository:
git clone
  • Modify _config.yml


  • Run:
docker run --rm \
        -v "$(pwd):/src" \
        -w /src \
        ruby:2.3 \
        sh -c 'bundle install \
            --path vendor/bundle \
            && exec jekyll build --watch'
  • Check if all is well in /web then build the docker image:
docker build -t blog-title .
  • Serve:
docker run -d \
        -p 80:80 \
        -v "$(pwd)/web:/usr/share/nginx/html" \
  • Profit!

To Do

  • Improve external links
  • Travis
  • gemspecs
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