

The developer documentation for the Enso compiler, runtime, and IDE.

layout: docs-index title: Enso Developer Documentation title: README tags: [summary, readme] order: 0

Enso Documentation

This site contains the documentation for the two major sub-projects of Enso, the engine, and the IDE.

Contributing to the Docs

Installation and Usage

The site is built with Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub Pages. The content is mostly hosted in other repositories via Git submodules.

bundle install
git submodule update --init --recursive
bundle exec jekyll build

Adding New Documentation

To add new documentation:

  • Add a new submodule under _submodules.
  • Create a symlink to the desired repository at the root.
  • To the target repository, add a GitHub Action to automatically checkout the submodule when changes are made.
  • If you want fine-grained control over presentation and order of the documents, you can add a yaml frontmatter block to your files. See the engine docs for an example.

Deploying to

The docs are deployed to via the docs-publish.yml GitHub Action. They get put in the docs/developer subfolder of the gh-pages branch. This gets deployed alongside the other enso docs pages.

Attribution & License

This site uses the Gitbook Jekyll theme, by sighingnow.