Search for new DEV blog posts and raise a PR with the post converted to Jekyll Markdown Post Posts -> .md

This action does the following:

  • Search for a DEV contributor's latest blog posts using the DEV API
  • Check to see if the newest DEV post is newer than the latest post in the Jekyll repository
  • If the DEV post is newer than the newest repository post, raise a pull request in the repository with the DEV post converted to Jekyll markdown and replace the last repository post with the DEV post.

This action has a user defined environment variable of NUM_OF_POSTS, which is equal to an integer value of the number of blog posts you wish to live in your Jekyll blog post repository. For example, if you define 6 then the action will check that the latest DEV blog post is not newer than the top 6 blog posts in your repository. If it is, then it will remove the oldest one of the 6 and add the newest DEV blog post as markdown to your Jekyll site in the form of a pull request.


To use this action in your Jekyll blog post repository, you need to do the following:

  • Add a .github/workflows folder to your repository
  • Create a dev-to-md.yml file in the folder
  • Add the following inside the file:
name: Convert DEV Posts to Markdown
     # At midnight twice a week on Monday and Fridayday
    - cron:  '0 0 * * 1,5'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: dev-to-md
      uses: coderganesh/
      GITHUB_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
      DEV_API_KEY: "${{ secrets.DEV_API_KEY }}"
      NUM_OF_POSTS: "${{ secrets.NUM_OF_POSTS }}"
  • Add the following secrets to your repository:
    • DEV_API_KEY (Your API key from
    • NUM_OF_POSTS (The maximum number of posts)
    • REPO_OWNER (The owner of the repository, i.e. "jane")
    • REPO (Your repository name, i.e. "sample-repository")
  • Every Monday and Friday at midnight this action will run. If there are any new DEV posts during that time, the action will create the relevant pull requests for you to review.


We welcome contributions! Please follow the GitHub flow when introducing changes. If it recommended to open an Issue first, so it can be discussed and collaborated on before you start working on what you plan.


This project is under the Apache 2.0 License.