

Gonebusy Developer Portal


Gonebusy Developer Portal

Visit the Portal!


We have a Sandbox environment to play with!

Just use sandbox.gonebusy.com instead of where you see beta.gonebusy.com referenced, including where to create an account to retrieve your API Key.

The Sandbox environment is completely separate from the Live site - that includes meaning your Sandbox API Key will not work in the Live environment.

How to Build

This is a Jekyll site hosted on GitHub Pages. To build a Jekyll site you'll need a few things on your system so double check the Jekyll requirements.

Install Bundler

$> gem install bundler

Clone your own fork of gonebusy.github.io

$> git clone https://github.com/<your_user>/gonebusy.github.io.git

Install all Gem dependencies

$> cd gonebusy.github.io
$> bundle install

Run Jekyll webserver

$> jekyll serve

By default jekyll will listen on port 4000 so browse to http://localhost:4000 to see your changes!


Thank you for your contributions! Please see the contributing documentation for information on how to get started contributing.