

Mini website for the New Year’s Eve event at Grand Park, Los Angeles

Grand Park LA, New Year’s Eve

A website for the New Year’s Eve event at Grand Park, Los Angeles


How to make changes

The website is published with GitHub Pages and the files are generated with Jekyll.

As you make changes and commit/push them to GitHub, the website will automatically update.

For example, if you edit the home page on GitHub, and then press the “Commit changes” button–you should see your changes on the home page of the website within a few minutes.

How to add an image

If you want to add an image (or any file) to the website, you can upload it to one of the folders on GitHub.

The uploads folder is generally a good choice, if you’re unsure where to put a file.

Once you’ve chosen a folder, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Upload files button

  2. Use the uploader to upload your files

  3. Press the Commit changes button

It’s best to use lowercase letters and dashes instead of spaces for your filename. For example: aloe-blacc.jpg.

Once your file has been uploaded it be available at a web address that corresponds to the folder and filename that you chose. For example:


To use this on the website, you can create an image with markdown:

![Aloe Blacc](/uploads/aloe-blacc.jpg)

You can also create an image with HTML

<img src="/uploads/aloe-blacc.jpg" alt="Aloe Blacc" />

How to work locally

If you want to see a preview of your changes while you work, you can run Jekyll on your computer. Installing Ruby and Jekyll is a good place to start.

After you have Jekyll installed, you can clone this project with GitHub Desktop.

And then start running Jekyll by entering this command into your terminal..

jekyll serve

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