

🌽 Starter kit for creating wireframes in the browser with Gulp, Jekyll and Susy

Rapid prototyping with Gulp, Jekyll and Susy

This is a starter kit for creating prototypes in your browser very quickly. It is a combination of a number of brilliant projects smushed together, with additional stuff thrown in, then re-baked.


To get started, you'll need to have the following installed:

  1. NodeJS - You can use the installer, but I personally like using Homebrew
  2. Bower - npm install -g bower
  3. GulpJS - npm install -g gulp
  4. Jekyll - gem install jekyll

Getting started

  • Clone this repository into your working directory.
  • Navigate to the directory and run npm install. This will install the required node modules for the project.
  • Also run bower install. This will install Susy for this project.

Using the framework

  • Run gulp. This will run the Gulp tasks needed for:
    • compiling Sass,
    • concatenating Javascript,
    • serving the Jekyll site,
    • watch for changes to relevant folders and reload the browser accordingly.


As mentioned above, this starter kit was based off a number of brilliant projects.

This is still a work-in-progress. Comments and suggestions are welcome.