

A subsection of LiquidThink dedicated totally to my Nerdy Programming Ventures

My Beautiful (coding) subsite.

This is the source of, a site where I share my current or recent adventures of everything programming and Computer Science related. This will significantly unclutter LiquidThink and create clearer goals and niches for each sites.

Here, I post on basically...just programming. Python, C, C++, Java, hell even Assembly. Anything that i'm really doing, or am planning to do, is going on this site :) This will also include my portfolio and past history with coding, since I think it would be a great way to map my progress.

A little about me... I am interested in everything programming, hacking, or Lovecraft (probably a bit too much for my own good). This blog is about all geeky programming stuff.

If you're interested in the theme of this site, checkout The Material Bliss Theme