This is a simple wrapper around gatsby-source-google-docs. It allows you to export Google Drive to Markdown with keeping folders structure and downloading all images. Before running the script prepare .env file and run steps below. For more details checkout offical documentation of gatsby-source-google-docs.

yarn install
cp ./gatsby-source-filesystem.js ./node_modules/gatsby-source-filesystem/index.js
cp ./gsgd-google-drive.js ./node_modules/gatsby-source-google-docs/utils/google-drive.js
cp ./gsgd-google-document.js ./node_modules/gatsby-source-google-docs/utils/google-document.js
ts-node index.ts

Structure of the .env file


To generate google oauth variables, you can use script from gatsby-source-google-docs:

npx gatsby-source-google-docs-token


  • save markdown locally
  • save images locally
  • first image as cover
  • frontmatter in Google Docs
  • jekyll filename convention

Cover image

If you put image as a first element in Google Docs, it will be moved to frontmatter.

  image: /path/to/image.png
  alt: 'Alt text'
  title: 'Title text'

Frontmatter in Docs

Just put frontmatter in your Google Docs, this script will remove it from markdown body and put in the header!

tags: [Hello, World]
description: 'Some important description'

Filename convention

If you use jekyll naming convention in Google Drive (2022-08-22 Hello world!), it will be treated in jekyll's way:

Fields where date will be kept:

name: 2022-08-22 Hello world!
path: /post/2022-08-22-hello-world

Fields were date will be removed:

title: Hello world!
slug: /post/hello-world
    - { name: post, slug: /post }
    - { name: 'Hello world!', slug: /post/hello-world }
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