

the missing link between headless content management systems and static site generators

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headless2static is a simple command line pogram which renders collections of REST resources to static files using a Liquid template.


Are you considering using a headless content management system (CMS)?

Great, I am convinced that separating content editing from design is usually the right thing to do.

Now, it turns out you will need a frontend. And maybe we are talking about a pretty simple website and you would prefer to use a static site generator (SSG)?

So how do you get your SSG to render the data served by your headless CMS? Well, it depends on your SSG. If you are lucky, it includes a data plugin for your headless CMS of choice. However, virtually all SSGs support rendering input from your file system (Markdown in particular).

And that is where headless2static comes into play. It is the very simple common denominator of headless content management systems and static site generators. Just call it to render input files for your SSG from the REST resource lists of your headless CMS' API.


Imagine there is an endpoint of your headless CMS' API (which might be Directus) at https://example.com/api/items/pages which returns something like this:

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "status": "published",
      "sort": 1,
      "owner": 1,
      "created_on": "2020-08-21T15:01:01+00:00",
      "title": "A Test",
      "content": "<p>Looks good.</p>\n<h2>A Header</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>List Item 1</li>\n<li>List Item 2</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>",
      "navigation_title": "Test"
      "id": 2,
      "status": "published",
      "sort": 2,
      "owner": 1,
      "created_on": "2020-08-21T15:05:59+00:00",
      "title": "Another Page",
      "content": "<p>It works!</p>",
      "navigation_title": null

Create a Liquid template called {{title | slugify}}.html (yes, that is the file name):

layout: page
title: {{title}}
navigation_title: {{navigation_title}}


headless2static '{{title | slugify}}.html' https://example.com/api/items/pages

will render two files:


layout: page
title: A Test
navigation_title: Test
<p>Looks good.</p>
<h2>A Header</h2>
<li>List Item 1</li>
<li>List Item 2</li>

and another-page.html:

layout: page
title: Another Page
<p>It works!</p>


usage: headless2static [options] template_file url
    -o, --output-directory=DIR       directory in which the output files are saved
    -f, --force                      overwrite existing files

headless2static parses the template file, makes a GET request to the URL and renders the template once for each item returned in the JSON response. The following response variants are supported:

  • [ { }... ]: loop over array values,
  • { 'data': [ { }... ] }: loop over data array values
  • { }: render object

The output files are written to DIR, which defaults to .. Existing files are not overwritten unless the -f option is used.


The template file uses the Liquid template language. Jekyll filters, in particular slugify, are also supported.

The name of the template file determines the name of the output file. In order to create unique file names for collection items the template file name may also include Liquid code, e.g., {{title | slugify}}.html.


headless2static is written in Ruby and available as a gem.

You can install it calling

gem install headless2static



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