

💶 Jekyll-based invoicing for me (and maybe you).


This is a very quick Jekyll-based thing which allows me to do monthly invoicing by running script/invoice.

To use this yourself, fork and clone, then follow these instructions:

  1. Setup:
$ script/setup
  1. Create your own _config.yml file. This will contain sensitive information and is included in .gitignore, along with _posts and pdfs, where your invoices will exist.
$ cp _config.yml.example _config.yml

Edit your _config.yml file. Edit and add as many invoice_line_items as you like. The invoice_currency, invoice_line_items, and invoice_payment_info values are set for each invoice, so you can change them in future without old invoices being affected.

  1. Run the app:
$ script/server

That starts the app at http://localhost:4000. You shouldn't see any invoices there yet though.

  1. Generate an invoice:

Without any arguments, this creates you an invoice for the current month:

$ script/invoice
"Generated your monthly invoice."
"Markdown file saved to: /Users/jdennes/projects/invoices/_posts/2015-01-31-invoice.markdown"
"PDF file saved to:      /Users/jdennes/projects/invoices/pdfs/2015-01-31-invoice.pdf"

You can also create an invoice for a specific date by passing the date as an argument to script/invoice:

$ script/invoice 2018-08-20
"Generated your monthly invoice."
"Markdown file saved to: /Users/jdennes/projects/invoices/_posts/2018-08-20-invoice.markdown"
"PDF file saved to:      /Users/jdennes/projects/invoices/pdfs/2018-08-20-invoice.pdf"

If you visit http://localhost:4000 now, you'll see your generated invoice listed there. Click on the invoice to see it in full, including a link to the generated PDF file.

You'll find the PDF file of your invoice saved in the pdfs directory:

$ open /Users/jdennes/projects/invoices/pdfs/2015-01-31-invoice.pdf

That's it!