

A developer-focused API documentation site built using the Ruby-based Jekyll static site generator and Materialize CSS framework

The AffiniPay developer documentation site is based on the following components:

  • Jekyll - Static site generator that compiles source files (e.g., markdown, HTML, YAML) into a working static HTML site.
  • Materialize - JS/CSS framework based on Google's material design principles.
  • Tocify.js - A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents based on HTML headings. We use this for our API reference.
  • Lunr.js - A simple full text search engine for client-side applications.
  • Clipboard.js - A JS-based library for copying text to a clipboard. We use this for making code samples easy to copy.
  • Gulp.js - A JS task runner that makes automation easier. We use this to build/compile the site.


  • Ruby (v2.4.0)
  • RubyGems (v2.6.8)
  • NodeJS (v6.9.5)
  • Linux, Unix, or Mac OS X

Note: While not officially supported, it's evidently possible to run Jekyll on Windows. Click here for more info.


  1. Clone the dev-docs repo

    git clone [email protected]:affinipay/dev-docs.git

  2. Navigate to your local dev-docs directory

    cd ~/dev-docs

  3. Install bundler

    gem install bundler

  4. Install Jekyll and Jekyll dependencies

    bundle install

  5. Install GulpJS globally

    npm install -g gulp

  6. Install GulpJS dependencies

    npm install

    Note: We use Gulp to automate build tasks. Several different gulp tasks are available for local development, but there is a single production build task (e.g., gulp build-prod). In addition to compiling the site and minifying assets, the gulp build-prod command inserts a Google Analytics tracking code in the site.

Local development

To compile the site and start a local web server to view changes:

  1. Navigate to your local dev-docs directory

  2. Build and serve the doc site locally

    gulp build-dev

    This task compiles the site, minifies HTML/CSS/JS/images, launches a local web server, and watches for file changes. BrowserSync will reload your browser whenever you make a local change.

  3. Open a web browser and go to https://localhost:3000

    Note: Standard Jekyll commands also work: $ jekyll build $ jekyll serve

Running tests

Currently, we only run one test after compiling the site. The task is gulp htmlproofer and it runs as part of the following tasks:

  • gulp build-prod
  • gulp run-tests

This task validates internal and external links. You should run tests before committing code, but if you forget, the Jenkins build config will run it and fail if it encounters any broken links. We'll add more tests in the future.

Production builds

The Jenkins build server takes care of production builds, but if you need to run one manually, enter gulp build-prod or npm run build. This task compiles the site, minifies HTML/CSS/JS/images, and inserts a Google Analytics tracking code. The Jenkins build configuration runs some additional post-build steps, such as versioning and git tagging, but that's not relevant to this document.