

A utilitarian Jekyll theme designed to be customizable and responsive.


A utilitarian theme designed to be customizable and responsive.


  • Tastefully designed mobile and desktop layouts
    • Sidebar-oriented desktop navigation with fairly liberal spacing
    • Menu-oriented mobile navigation with more conservative spacing
  • Easily customizable in terms of coloring
  • No JavaScript usage - Allow users to fully use your site with scripts disabled
  • Auto-generated sitemap.xml


To start using this theme with your GitHub pages site, simply add the following to your _config.yml:

remote_theme: jmelancon/monotheme

title: "My cool project title!" # set this to the title of your page
project_name: "Project name" # set this to the name of your project
lang: "en" # the language of the website in html format
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
footer_text: "mygithub/relevantrepo" # text that goes in the lower left of the screen on the footer. for example, your project's repo name.
icon_location: "/assets/project_pic.png" # where your project image is. don't leave blank!
icon_alt_text: "Project logo" # alt text for your project's image. you can leave this blank, but you really shouldn't.

# theming
    primary: "#1E1E20"
    secondary: "#252527"
    tertiary: "#424247"
    accent: Gainsboro
    text: Gainsboro
    textbox: "#424247"
    links: "#ebc6ff"
    primary: White
    secondary: "#ddd"
    tertiary: "#b3b3b3"
    accent: "#999"
    text: Black
    textbox: "#eee"
    links: "#5f1688"
    header_text_size: 6


  - jemoji # used for emojis. use them with normal GitHub markdown syntax, like this :smile:

Also, be sure to add the following to the top of each markdown file in your site:

layout: page
title: Home
desc: Debug home page. Text here for meta description.
permalink: /
importance: -1

Of note is title, desc, and importance. title is the title of the page. This will appear in the <title> tag. desc is used for the <meta name="description"> tag for SEO purposes. importance can be the same for each page, however, if you would like to sort your pages in the mobile and desktop navigation areas, using a larger importance number will make the object appear lower on the list.

To use favicons, put your favicon.ico in the root directory of your repository.

Any page with a title will be included in the site's sitemap.xml.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.