

A Jekyll static site to display your books, mixed in with some basic filtering and book metadata

This repository is ⚰️ ARCHIVED ⚰️

I haven't used/worked on this repository in quite some time, thus I'm archiving it.

Feel free to fork and take the project in a new direction. You could also contact me to unarchive it if you are willing to maintain it.


A Jekyll static site to display your books, mixed in with some basic filtering and book metadata. The metadata on each book aids in tracking the location of the book (if it has been borrowed).

How to Use

First you would fork this repository and modify the _books and _config.yml as needed. When using this on Github Pages it is not possible take advantage of some of the _plugins. To work around this, you need to generate the site locally then push the generated files to a gh-pages branch within your forked repository. This can all be accomplished with the rake task rake publish.

Adding and Changing Books

Tag and author pages are automatically generated through Jekyll using the metadata that are attached to the books. The following is a sample of the aforementioned metadata:

layout: default
title: 'Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer'
authors: ['Sandi Metz']
published_date: 2012-09-5
pages: 272
isbn: '978-0321721334'
tags: ['Ruby', 'Object-Oriented Design']

owner: 'Kevin Jalbert'
location: 'Kevin Jalbert'
last_seen: 2015-02-24

The authors and tags attributes must follow the indicated format as the author and tag pages are generated from these values (along side the basic filtering). To simplify and hopefully reduce error a rake task (rake sync_resources) is provided which will parse through the _books and reconstruct the necessary information for _data/authors.yml* and _data/tags.yml`.

It is therefore recommended to run rake sync_resources and commit the changes it has made in addition to any book additions/changes made.


Jekyll data page generation

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