

A tiny Jekyll site, with Tailwind CSS compiling added

Tiny Jekyll site w/ Tailwind

"Tiny Jekyll site," plus Tailwind CSS compilation.

See a live site built from this codebase and the blog post explaining it.

This is where I ended up after following Steven Westmoreland's and Marcin Doliwa's directions to add Tailwind to this tiny Jekyll site.

Sadly, JIT mode doesn't seem to work.

If your localhost environment is on Windows, the jekyll-postcss plugin that makes this all work will fail. You have to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as in Scott Hanselman's instructions and run NODE_ENV=production JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build or NODE_ENV=development JEKYLL_ENV=development bundle exec jekyll serve from a WSL command line.

Note: for convenience, this sample web site includes some package.json commands that let you type less text to kick off Jekyll -- you can do npm run build and npm run develop. They'll set environment variables appropriately & run bundle exec jekyll ... for you.