

Feature Blog is a minimalist, beautiful, responsive theme for Jekyll. Demo:


Feature Blog is a minimalist, beautiful, responsive theme for Jekyll. It is built using the Bootstrap 3.

Home Page:


  • Twitter Bootstrap 3
  • Option to set featured image & video in post
  • Pagination support
  • Disqus comments if you choose to enable
  • MailChip Integration for subscription
  • Tags for Open Graph, Twitter Cards and Schema.org for a better social sharing experience
  • Support for recent post
  • SEO Enabled theme
  • Beautifully crafted 404 page
  • Custom categories and tags pages
  • Ajax based search
  • Sitemap for search engines
  • Google Fonts
  • Font awesome icons
  • Easy to configure and customize

Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site

  1. Install Jekyll if you haven't already.
  2. Fork the Feature Blog Theme
  3. Clone the repo you just forked.
  4. Edit _config.yml to personalize your site.
  5. Check out the sample posts in _posts to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.
  6. Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.

Setup for an Existing Jekyll site

_config.yml file:

# Basic settings
description:  This is personal blog.
baseurl: "/"
url: "https://lavkumarv.github.io"
twitter_username: LAV_K_V
github_username:  lavkumarv
include: ['_pages']

# Build settings
markdown:    kramdown
highlighter: pygments
lsi:         false
excerpt_separator: "\n\n"
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-paginate
  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock

# pagination
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/page:num/"

# Enable comments
comments: true

# Markdown settings
  auto_ids:       true
  footnote_nr:    1
  entity_output:  as_char
  toc_levels:     1..6
  smart_quotes:   lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
  enable_coderay: false

    coderay_wrap:              div
    coderay_line_numbers:      inline
    coderay_line_number_start: 1
    coderay_tab_width:         4
    coderay_bold_every:        10
    coderay_css:               style

Global Configuration( global.yml):

# Site Settings
title: 'Lav Vishwakarma'
description: 'My personal Blog'
url: 'https://lavkumarv.github.io'

# Admin Settings
admin_name: 'Lav Vishwakarma'
admin_email: '[email protected]'

#About Page
author_name: 'Lav Kumar Vishwakarma'
author_profession: 'Full Stack Developer'
author_description: 'A computer science graduate student at University Institute of Technology,
RGPV with great interest in Software development and coding efficient software.</br></br>
My 3+ years of experience in web technologies like J2EE/Jersey, Node.js, Angular.js, c#, MongoDB, MySQL,
Linux with Appointy and TechShanty provides me with a rich experience in coding and maintaining
 large scalable applications.</br></br>
Working at Appointy as Software Developer Intern, I was involved in Full stack development of a SAAS
application which is used by 65,000+ business worldwide. '
author_image: '/images/author.jpg'

# social proiles
facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/lavkumarv'
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/LAV_K_V'
linkedin: 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/lav-vishwakarma/'
instagram: 'https://www.instagram.com/vishwakarmalav/'
github: 'https://github.com/lavkumarv'
google-plus: 'https://plus.google.com/+LAVKUMARVISHWAKARMAdev'
stackoverflow: 'http://stackoverflow.com/users/4703818/lav-kumar-vishwakarma'

Navigation Bar(nav.yml):

    - { url: '/about', text: 'About' }

Post Formate:

Image Post:

layout: blog
title: 'Sample post to check the functionality'
date: 2017-01-24 12:11:34
categories: blog
tags: code
image: '/images/default.jpg'
lead_text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'

Video Post:

layout: blog
title: 'Sample post to check the functionality'
date: 2017-01-24 12:11:34
categories: blog
tags: code
image: '/images/default.jpg'
lead_text: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'

Built With


Contributions are welcome!. Feel free to add a new feature or fix a bug.


  • Lav Kumar Vishwakarma - Initial work - lavkumarv


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details