

My personal profile / blog built with Jekyll, Boostrap, JQuery, and Github pages. Let's access the website https://longly.app for more details. [Thanks]

  • šŸ‘‹ Hi, Iā€™m @longhoangly
  • šŸ‘€ Iā€™m interested in creating useful apps
  • šŸ”­ Iā€™m currently working on software testing, an Anki add-on
  • šŸ’žļø Iā€™m looking to collaborate on open source projects
  • šŸŒ± Iā€™m currently learning python, and software automation testing frameworks
  • šŸ“« How to reach me: longhoangly [at] gmail.com

To me, value is the most important thing when we live our life or work in a community,
I always want to work and contribute to the software advancetage via open source projects.
Given that my contribution is small, but together we can make it. Keep it up and do right things.