Malkomich Tech Blog

Run steps

  1. Install Ruby with Dev Toolkit (Need permissions on Ruby installation folder)
  2. ONLY WINDOWS - ridk install: Install MSYS2 if not done in previous step (Need permissions on the installation folder)
  3. npm i: Install dependencies
  4. npm run build: Build Jekyll blog
  5. npm run dev: Run blog

Create new Post

  1. npm run post "Your Post Title"
  2. The new post format is
  3. Configure the properties, keeping them wrapped in --- separators:
    • date: The post publishing date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
    • layout: Default to post for post entries.
    • title: The post title.
    • subtitle: A subtitle to appear below the title.
    • description: Used in the home and category pages, in meta description tag for SEO purposes and for social media sharing.
    • image: Used in the home and category pages and for social media sharing.
    • optimized_image (Optional): Smaller image to appear in the home and category pages, for faster load.
    • category: One category defined in category/<category>.md.
    • tags: Post keywords. Used in the home, category and tags pages, and as meta keywords for SEO purposes.
    • author: One author defined in _authors/<author>.md.
    • paginate: To break your post into pages. Use the divider --page-break-- where you want to break it.
  4. Write the post

Theme & dependencies