

My experience, tips and tricks for using static site generator Jekyll

Jekyll tips & tricks

My experience, tips and tricks for using static site generator Jekyll.

I'm a self-taught web dev (HTML/CSS) and Jekyll hobbyist, learning through trial and error, and using Jekyll to create my personal website.

I am building my Jekyll project from scratch, building my own design/theme, with as few plugins as possible, to learn how everything works and to not be dependent on third party components.

I like the idea of open-source tools and the communities surrounding them, but one of my main struggles learning Jekyll was limited and outdated content about it (outside of the official documentation), so I have decided that even though my skill and experience is limited, I just want to add to the community and support the Jekyll project to keep it going.

This content is meant for beginners, hobbyists and enthusiasts like me, who are learning with Jekyll and want to learn more about it, to help you on your journey. These might not be the most elegant solutions, but they work as I have used them all in my project, and I hope they will help you as well.


Tips & tricks

Code snippets

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If you find any mistake, typo or broken link, or missing some information in the post/code snippet, please create an issue and I will update it. Thanks.

All content in this repository (pages, code snippets etc.) is only to showcase challenges I have experienced while learning web development and Jekyll, and my approach to solving them as inspiration for your solutions in your project. They are not meant to be perfect or "professional" solutions, nor comprehensive and complete tutorials and documentation. For official Jekyll documentation, please see

This is also not a support page for you to ask questions about your challenges with Jekyll. For that, please go to the Jekyll Talk community forum