

build process for turning ipython notebooks into markdown files for your jekyll blog

This is a way to turn ipython notebooks into markdown files for your jekyll blog.

The idea is that you will (manually) run build to render any ipython notebooks in _notebooks/ as markdown into your _drafts/ folder. (These folder names can be changed by editing config.env).

Set up

  1. Go to your jekyll blog's root folder, for example:

    cd ~/Sites/blog
  2. Clone this repo into _notebooks/

    mkdir -p _notebooks
    cd _notebooks
    git clone
  3. Edit config.env if necessary, then create the specified folders by running prepare:

    cd jekyll-ipython-markdown


You can build one .ipynb at a time, or all at once.

Here's all you do:

cd _notebooks
./jekyll-ipython-markdown/build *.ipynb

This will build all your ipython notebook files in _notebooks/ and place the resulting markdown in _drafts/ and the resulting images in images/ipython. (These folder names can be changed by editing config.env).

You can also build individual files:

cd _notebooks
./jekyll-ipython-markdown/build test.ipynb


  • Use fswatch to auto-build .ipynb files as they change
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