

Jekyll plugin to generate a report of all internal links on your Jekyll site


Plugin for Jekyll to generate a report which shows the internal links on every post and page on your Jekyll website.

It runs after Jekyll generates the HTML, and finds any links where the href starts with /.

It runs on every jekyll build, and writes a link report a CSV file.

What is this for?

Uhh..... what would you use this plugin for?

  • For Jekyll sites which are becoming large, and you want to be able to analyse them for SEO.

  • Monitoring the number of internal links on each page.

  • Finding out which pages currently have no links, or finding out which pages have lots of links.

  • Merging the report with data from Google Analytics or Google Search Console, to find out where you should be adding more internal links (by helping PageRank/authority to flow to other pages on your site)

How to use

This is very much alpha software, and my first bit of Ruby code, so I haven't figured out how to publish it as a Ruby Gem yet. 🤡

So, if you want to use this plugin:

1. Clone this repository.

2. In your Jekyll site, add the following line into your Gemfile (inside the group :jekyll_plugins block):

gem 'jekyll-link-report', '0.1.0', :path => '/path/to/where/you/cloned/jekyll-link-report'

3. Build your site as normal (jekyll build), and a rough report will be written to the console.

Example output

The plugin will generate a file inside your site folder called links.csv, which looks like this:

/why-eat-eggs/,Why Eat Eggs?,[/what-are-eggs/,/scrambled-egg-recipe/]
/egg-calendar/,Egg Calendar,[/what-are-eggs/,/fried-egg-recipe/]
/tuna-melt-recipe/,The Best Tuna Melt Recipe,[]
/tuna-recipes/,Tuna Recipes,[/tuna-melt-recipe/]

Future improvements

  • Improving the format (currently a very basic CSV)

  • Turning into a Ruby Gem and releasing properly