My blog about all things tech (available at OR nlboxajljr5boevw3vyfryenhwqs5eehfh5pnbzjlnounrje5wulbnyd.onion)

Build status


This is the source for the github site

Creating a post

Refer to this guide

language of posts

Markdown motherfucker.. do you not speak it?

Creating pages

Just dump them in the main directory as per guide

Test Often!


Simple run the following command

bundle exec jekyll serve

Build and Test


Clone and add gitlab (authoritive source of truth), as well as github backup.

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:nolim1t/nolim1t-co.git
cd nolim1t-co/
git remote add githuborigin [email protected]:nolim1t/


Simply invoke the default rake task to build


If you have TORDEPLOY set then it will also deploy the _site directory into the TOR host to a folder called www (this is assumed). TORDEPLOY should be the hostname of the configured tor site.

Syncing submodules

git submodule foreach git pull origin master
ls _site


bundle exec jekyll serve


If you wish to mirror this site simply add the following deploy key into your server:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJxyFUr/7z5lhUWfuXsgzPp/vp159GnG8etLuThkZT9J deploykey@pub

and then update your web server with the pathnames. You may then send a merge or pull request to me for consideration.


You may send donations via bitcoin lightning network to me if you love my work and support open source (I don't get paid) or if you prefer on-chain you may send to my hodl address.

If you prefer Monero, you may send to 44DVS1F1haNCisz6VN6RAugWfnULSvZpXZxv56Zeu3srf5BR4simzB1WrqJ9CkxcuL9d753MEBGGTMkekdx6gMUuAGDuiQu

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